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Index > SecretsManager > Examples

Auto-generated documentation for SecretsManager type annotations stubs module types-aiobotocore-secretsmanager.


Implicit type annotations

Can be used with types-aioboto3[secretsmanager] package installed.

Write your SecretsManager code as usual, type checking and code completion should work out of the box.

Client usage example
from aioboto3.session import Session

session = Session()

async with session.client("secretsmanager") as client:  # (1)
    result = await client.cancel_rotate_secret()  # (2)
  1. client: SecretsManagerClient
  2. result: CancelRotateSecretResponseTypeDef
Paginator usage example
from aioboto3.session import Session

session = Session()

async with session.client("secretsmanager") as client:  # (1)
    paginator = client.get_paginator("list_secrets")  # (2)
    async for item in paginator.paginate(...):
        print(item)  # (3)
  1. client: SecretsManagerClient
  2. paginator: ListSecretsPaginator
  3. item: ListSecretsResponseTypeDef

Explicit type annotations

With types-aioboto3-lite[secretsmanager] or a standalone types_aiobotocore_secretsmanager package, you have to explicitly specify client: SecretsManagerClient type annotation.

All other type annotations are optional, as types should be discovered automatically. However, these type annotations can be helpful in your functions and methods.

Client usage example
from aioboto3.session import Session

from types_aiobotocore_secretsmanager.client import SecretsManagerClient
from types_aiobotocore_secretsmanager.type_defs import CancelRotateSecretResponseTypeDef
from types_aiobotocore_secretsmanager.type_defs import CancelRotateSecretRequestRequestTypeDef

session = Session()

client: SecretsManagerClient
async with session.client("secretsmanager") as client:  # (1)
    kwargs: CancelRotateSecretRequestRequestTypeDef = {...}  # (2)
    result: CancelRotateSecretResponseTypeDef = await client.cancel_rotate_secret(**kwargs)  # (3)
  1. client: SecretsManagerClient
  2. kwargs: CancelRotateSecretRequestRequestTypeDef
  3. result: CancelRotateSecretResponseTypeDef
Paginator usage example
from aioboto3.session import Session

from types_aiobotocore_secretsmanager.client import SecretsManagerClient
from types_aiobotocore_secretsmanager.paginator import ListSecretsPaginator
from types_aiobotocore_secretsmanager.type_defs import ListSecretsResponseTypeDef

session = Session()

client: SecretsManagerClient
async with session.client("secretsmanager") as client:  # (1)
    paginator: ListSecretsPaginator = client.get_paginator("list_secrets")  # (2)
    async for item in paginator.paginate(...):
        item: ListSecretsResponseTypeDef
        print(item)  # (3)
  1. client: SecretsManagerClient
  2. paginator: ListSecretsPaginator
  3. item: ListSecretsResponseTypeDef